
All posts by Vladimir Petreski

Vlado Lucić – News Bar: When people want to believe a lot, it’s not difficult to trick them

на 27. 01. 2017 | | mk
Vlado Lucić: “Here everything is fake”

“We don’t write a lot about Macedonia, but when we do, the articles become quite popular. It seems like your situation is not much tolerant, the freedom of media is quite limited and every time we write about your government, we receive fierce comments that defend it”

  Author: Vladimir Petreski   Vlado Lucić is the CEO of News Bar, a Croatian satire website.

Nine indications why the Law on State Advertisements is just a tool for financing the pro-government media

на 2. 08. 2016 | | mk
Campaign of the government of Hong Kong for promotion of radiation/nuclear energy: “It’s all around us and part of life”. YouTube video  

Numerous serious indications in this law – from its structure through to the resource allocation criteria – reveal that the draft Law on Informative and Advertisement Campaigns of the Public Institutions has the objective to award money to media close to the government so they can return

Fitch credit ratings on Macedonia seem suddenly banished from the media

на 26. 07. 2016 | | mk
Fitch Ratings – another credit ratings agency becoming troublesome for the propaganda machinery

The downgrading of Macedonia’s credit rating by Fitch seemed inevitable since 2013, when Standard & Poor’s lowered their credit rating on the country from BB to BB-. This means Fitch’s BB+ grade and Standard & Poor’s BB- grade are two levels apart. Having in mind the current deep political crisis, country’s credit rating is on the way

Digitalization: Better Image, But No HD Resolution for All

на 31. 03. 2016 | |
(Right click on this and other charts to open them full-size in separate window)  

What did we gain from digitalization of television signal? Do we have television image of better quality? Have new interesting and valuable technologies been introduced? Are there possibilities to have such technologies introduced as result of television signal digitalization?

  Written by: Vladimir Petreski   Undoubtedly, digitalization introduced television image of higher quality. Transmission of

Executing Propaganda Operations Against Your Own People as if They Are the Enemy

на 3. 03. 2016 | | mk
Propaganda. Photo: Ramón Peco, 2013

The current continued and repetitive propaganda of the government media resembles a typical intelligence handling of population in some enemy country, but in no way well-meant and objective informing of own people.

  “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.” (George Orwell)   Author: Vladimir Petreski   Consistent and repetitive publishing of stories paid from one

Whistleblowers – foreign hypocrisy or a domestic media spin

на 28. 10. 2015 | | mk

[Review: Law on protecting whistleblowers is required in Macedonia, despite whistleblowers being imprisoned in the USA]

  The main thesis of this article is that legal protection is requested for whistleblowers in Macedonia (people publicly reporting unlawful act at their workplace), although they are being persecuted in the USA, which is an example of hypocrisy. In addition, the article contains contradictory statements regarding the protection of whistleblowers in the EU countries.   Link to the original article: Law on protecting whistleblowers is required in Macedonia, despite whistleblowers being imprisoned in the USA Date and time of publication: October 20, 2015, 17:46   Review date:  October 28, 2015    Reviewer: Vladimir Petreski At the beginning, the article criticizes the state of whistleblower protection in the

Smear campaign against the NGO sector: Slander and nonsense

на 22. 09. 2015 | | mk
An attack with all the weapons. Collage: MFCS

The propaganda campaign using all weapons, launched these days against the NGO sector, quite openly resembles the smear campaigns and attacks of propagandists in countries where leaders practice authoritarian populism, countries with the so-called “Hybrid political system,” i.e. a system of “managed democracy” in which a consensus is not built with the political opponents, but they are seen as enemies whose political extinction is quite normal.   “Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored.” Aldous Huxley, Complete Essays, Vol. 2, 1926-29 Author: Vladimir Petreski When 46 NGOs in a country, especially in a small country, hold a common position telling the Prime Minister they do not believe in

The EU puts an end to the publicly funded government propaganda

на 20. 06. 2015 | | mk, sq
Johannes Hahn, EU’s chief negotiator for the resolution of the Macedonian political crisis. Photo: EPP, 2013     As part of the process for resolving the current political crisis, EU’s priorities in terms of the media, and particularly the recommendations of the EU’s expert team for the situation with the media in Macedonia, drew clear boundaries that cannot be crossed and that prevent the undemocratic, manipulative, political and openly criminal

Kremlin’s Propaganda in and around Macedonia

на 28. 05. 2015 | | mk

Author: Vladimir Petreski “The idea of one universal reality is a form of intellectual racism”
– Russian crypto-fascist A. G. Dugin
The column by Mirka Velinovska, published on May 15, 2015 under the title “‘Pavement-revolutionaires’ will party against Macedonia,”* brought the pro-Russian propaganda in Macedonia to a new level in regard to use of terminology, brazen-faced villainy, and the dynamics. Deeming the western ambassadors in Macedonia “representatives of American-European