The term “Sorosoids” is obviously used to label, discredit and derogate a certain group of people.
Written by: Prof. Mirjana Najchevska, PhD,
human rights expert
A number of media in Macedonia have gotten into a habit of using the term “Sorosoids.” This term may be used in different contexts, but always with negative connotation.
- Political underground demasked: Sorosoids founding themselves and playacting as if they are NGO sector;
- Vecher: These are the Soros’ mercenaries, who demand power without elections;
- Dossier Sorosoids: Fake media, fake journalists… Only the money is real;
- Latas on the Sorosoids and Radio MOF;
- “Civil” gained half a million Euros from SOROS in just 3 years;
- SDSM and the Sorosoids demand revoking of voting rights to expats